Sunday, April 1, 2007

Islam is tolerant of other Cultures?

A Hindu being brutally beaten to death by Muslims in a mosque in Bangladesh. He was captured outside the mosque while going home. After Friday prayers were over, the Muslims came out and grabbed the first Hindu they could. Mr. Vimal Patak a Bangladeshi born Hindu was beaten to death with sticks as the Muslim mullahs (priests) chanted "kill the Kafir!" (non-Muslim). With folded hands he begged for his life and died a brutal death.


Unknown said...

Islam is a plague for humanity.THEY DESERVE TO BE TREATED THE SAME WAY THEY TREAT OTHERS.I can't possibly understand how a 'religion' which calls itself 'peace', could be so full of hatred towards anyone who isn't a muslim.I pity their foolishness and their spiritual condition.What if all the other 'infidels' in this world killed them the same way?...We would finally get rid of them.The only difference is we are not murderers.
If you don't know how to live among others then 'fly off' to mars and pls stay there!

Anonymous said...

kill each and every single one of those fuckers - KILL ervery MUSLIM - KILL the whole ISLAM and sent them alltogether to the junkyard. NEVER toelerate any shit of them. root it out this cancerbreed. TOTALLY and FOREVER!!!